Working Student – Hotelier Support in Düsseldorf
Bewirb dich jetzt auf die Stetelle Working Student – Hotelier Support in Düsseldorf.

When travelers are searching for a hotel, we want the obvious choice to be trivago! By comparing prices from major booking sites, we're making it easy for people to find hotels they want at a price they'll love. In the lively city of Düsseldorf, we seize opportunities to learn everyday, innovate, and make an enduring mark on the travel industry. A career at trivago is a journey designed for people who crave continuous development and want to thrive in a high-performing team. Here you will find those who aren't afraid of change but rather embrace it, turning every challenge into a pathway for growth. Join trivago, work with a great team, and grow with us!
We're looking for a student with proactive attitude and structured work approach to support our Partnerships team by providing first level support to hoteliers. Interested in joining a dynamic and energetic team of working students? Read on & apply today!
Extra Informationen
- Status
- Inaktiv
- Ausbildungsniveau
- Abitur
- Standort
- Düsseldorf
- Jobart
- Werkstudentenstelle
- Tätigkeitsbereich
- Finance / Accounting / Controlling
- Führerschein erforderlich?
- Nein
- Auto erforderlich?
- Nein
- Motivationsschreiben erforderlich?
- Nein
- Sprachkenntnisse
- Deutsch
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