Lieferando delivery jobs

Es wurden 2 Lieferando delivery jobs gefunden.

Are you looking for an exciting job where you spend a lot of time outdoors? How about a Lieferando delivery job? At YoungCapital, we offer you the opportunity to become part of a dynamic team and deliver delicious meals to hungry customers by vehicle. Whether you have previous experience as a delivery driver or are new to the field, we have exciting career opportunities waiting for you. Look forward to flexible working hours, attractive earning opportunities and interesting benefits. Whether on a bike or in a car - experience your new professional adventure now with our Lieferando driver jobs.

What to know about Lieferando delivery jobs

At Lieferando you will find a variety of delivery job offers that fit your needs. As a driver, you have the freedom to set your own working hours. Whether you want to work full time or only a few hours per week – Lieferando allows you to plan your delivery job flexibly. You can adjust your shifts to your personal schedule and commitments, achieving the perfect work-life balance in your career.

Another advantage of the Lieferando delivery jobs is the attractive salary model. You earn no less than the legal minimum wage in Germany and have the opportunity to increase your salary further with additional tips. You will receive more detailed information about your salary from your contact person during the job interview.

Sounds interesting? If you want to apply for a Lieferando delivery job through YoungCapital, the process is simple and straightforward. Register for free on our website and complete your profile. Then browse the vacancies and click the orange application button on your favourite ad to submit your application. It's that easy! Now you can wait for our recruiters to contact you. We look forward to getting to know you.


Du bist auf der Suche nach einem spannenden Liefernaod Fahrer-Jobs? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig. Auf YoungCapital findest du vielfältige Stellenangebote, die zu dir und deinen Vorstellungen passen. Als Lieferando-Fahrer profitierst du von flexiblen Arbeitsmodellen und einem fairen Gehalt, welches inklusive Boni und Trinkgeldern über dem gesetzlichen Mindestlohn liegt. Also, worauf wartest du noch? Klick dich durch unsere Ausschreibungen und bewirb dich noch heute auf einen Fahrer-Job bei Lieferando. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich bei einem Vorstellungsgespräch kennenzulernen!

FAQs about Lieferando delivery jobs

What qualifications do I need for a Lieferando delivery job?

For a Lieferando delivery job, you should be at least 18 years old and have a good knowledge of traffic regulations. Friendliness in dealing with customers is just as important as reliability and a thorough way of working.

How much do I earn in a Lieferando delivery job?

With a Lieferando delivery job, you don't earn less than the legal minimum wage in Germany. Tips and bonuses will further increase your salary. Your contact person will explain exactly how much you earn in more detail during your job interview.

How do I apply for a Lieferando delivery job through YoungCapital?

To apply for a Lieferando delivery job offer, first register with a free user account. Then complete your details in the profile and click on the orange 'Apply directly' button in the desired job advertisement.